Wednesday, July 18, 2007 . 7/18/2007 09:59:00 am

Weeheehee!!!! my company is very nice!! they permit staffs to have the car for weddings!! ke ke i tot must pay but my boss says no need... i actually wanted the IS250 cos they have this pearly white very nice but my colleagues they all call me to take bigger one... haha!! and also my company mininum will rent out at least a GS for staff for their big day! :) very blessed to be here lo... i really enjoy working here with nice colleagues and good working environment! :) my brother in law offered to be the man to drive the car for me! haha i trust him to do so cos he drove for sometime liao and ya very nice for him to offer.. then my sis will have to drive his car.. haha.. but i think most likely i'll be getting the 460H as the wedding car if everything goes well... my GM says if anything just let her know... she's very nice boss and very pretty! hmmmm.. looking forward for my big day! :) just really feel so thankful for all the help that had been offered... i'm really blessed and touched by that.. xie xie everybody! Thank You Lord for taking care of all the things... even the nitty gritty stuffs You have not overlooked... xie xie You! God was just asking me today how do i see when i pray in His Son's name.. what does Almighty means to me... still processing... very chim for me... and remembering to worship Him for who He is... like Moses... :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 . 7/17/2007 05:41:00 pm
was looking at the pics that jeremy sent... suddenly i just miss the whole SE family.. how nice it will be if i can take a " quan jia fu".. we will have a few generations!!! haha the history maker generation i will call it!! it's amazing to see how God has placed everyone in different pace of their lives... though some may not be doing too well, i believe God laid out His beautiful plans for them and for me!! hur hur cos He says that He made me and i am Belly Good!! haha!!yeah i got my wedding bands liao!! got them from Lee Hwa... Ang Moh seems to like this shop i dunno why also.. hmmm i wanted to take a look at Citigems and he was like see that one might as well see Taka jewellery!! oh well i wont have mind but i dun think he will allow... hur hur cos diamond is not my best friend... my best friend is anna sui.. haha!!